Virtual Backgrounds

Though we may be separated by physical distance, we want to give users the opportunity to make their online learning environments and virtual meetings feel a little bit more like Trine. You can download these Trine images and add one as your Zoom virtual background.


Forman Hall - Trine University

MTI at dusk, overlooking Zollner Golf

Outside photo of Sponsel and Taylor Hall

Photo of Softball, Baseball and Football Fields

Soccer fields at Trine University

T. Furth Center - Trine University

MTI Center enterance at dusk Outside of Taylor Hall

Jannen Baseball field

Softball, Baseball and Football fields at Trine

T. Furth Center at Spring - Trine University

Outside shot of Sponsel in Spring at Trine University Outside photo of Ryan Bridge and University Center

MTI Center and Zollner Golf with our mascot Storm

Trine Thunder Logo in MTI

A look inside MTI Basketball Arena

Outside photo of Sponsel in Spring Outside photo of Thunder Ice Arena

Outside tennis courts at Trine University

  1. During a webinar, click the arrow to the right of "Stop Video" in the lower left corner of the screen and then select, "Choose Virtual Background".
  2. To upload a custom background, click the plus sign listed to the right of "Choose Virtual Background" and navigate to where your desired photo (or video) is on your computer.
  3. Further instructions about Zoom virtual backgrounds can be found at: