Jennifer Berube
Trine University - RN to BSN program
BSN, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth; MSN, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth; PhD, University of Massachusetts Medical School
260.800.3201 | email
I received a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) in 2011 from the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. My first job as a registered nurse was in an acute-care community hospital, on a telemetry unit. I received my Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) in 2014, specializing in Adult Health/Nurse Manager, also from the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. Since that time, I have worked as a nurse educator, teaching in the classroom and clinical setting. My experiences in nursing education have included curriculum design and program evaluation. Most recently, I completed my PhD in Nursing at the University of Massachusetts Medical School (2021), with my research interests in clinical education and transition to practice.