

Students in various majors

Explore the possibilities

Not sure if you want to study to be an engineer, educator or entrepreneur? Can’t decide between probation officer, golf course manager, sports agent, physical therapist or psychologist? There are many exciting fields of study and career possibilities you can explore through the wide range of academic programs at Trine University, while still graduating on time.

As a student who has not yet declared your major, you can:

  • Complete the university’s general education requirements in composition, math, science, speech, social science, and humanities.
  • Meet with a career coach in the Employment Resource Center to learn about specific occupations that match your interests.
  • Make progress toward your degree.
  • Develop academic skills.
  • Explore majors that intrigue and excite you by taking a variety of introductory courses.
  • Work with a faculty mentor to craft a schedule that will enable you to graduate in a timely manner.
  • Explore different areas to help you determine your eventual major.

Most majors include some elective coursework, so even if you take a course not needed in your eventual major, you may still receive elective credit for it.

Career Services working with studentOnce you decide your major, you will meet with a faculty advisor for that major to plan the rest of your coursework and graduate with the educational background and skills for the career you want!

To learn more about what Trine University offers for undeclared majors, email admit@trine.edu or call (260) 665-4281.

Program Information



Campus Location

Angola, IN