Professor brings wealth of experience in health sciences
Ryan Dombkowski
Trine University - College of Health Professions
B.A. - Wabash College, Ph.D. - University of Notre Dame
260.203.2695 | email
With nearly two decades of higher education instruction, Dr. Dombkowski brings a significant amount of experience in the health sciences to the Trine University College of Health Professions. Dr. Dombkowski (Ph.D., University of Notre Dame; Cellular and Physiological Dynamics) instructs Trine University DPT, PA, and undergraduate students in topics such as introductory biology, anatomy, physiology, and neuroscience. His research interests include student success initiatives such as program retention, student performance, and licensure exam success.
Dr. Dombkowski also serves the University community on several committees and the higher education community as a member of the Higher Learning Commission Peer Review Corps.
Dr. Dombkowski lives just north of Fort Wayne with his wife and four children. Outside of Trine, Dr. Dombkowski enjoys hopping in the family RV and traveling around to watch his children participate in athletic events.