A Native "Ft. Wayne'r" with an eye for physics, Keefer is also a die hard Cubs fan

Chad Keeferchad keefer

Trine University - Jannen School of Arts & Sciences
B.S. secondary science education; M.A. physics and M.A. chemistry; EdD. Science, Ball State University
260.665.4246  |  email

I am a native of Fort Wayne, where I graduated from Northrop High School. In college, my graduate work focused upon numerical computation, analysis of paint fragments with infrared microspectroscopy and synthesis and study of crown ethers.

I came to Trine in fall 2005 to teach physics and physical science. Since then, I have created an honors course in physics and authored two grant requests for new laboratory equipment. I serve on the assessment committee and advise science education and forensic science majors.

When not at work, I simply try to be outside. I am an avid golfer and runner, and a perpetually optimistic Chicago Cubs fan.